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FABClassroom: Olympic Designs at Augustine F. Maloney Elementary

For this week's FabClassroom we head over to Augustine F. Maloney Elementary in Blackstone, MA. Monica Carty is an elementary technology teacher at Blackstone-Millville Regional School District. She has been using Fab@School Maker Studio in her after school STEM club. It has been so successful she will be launching an after-school club just for Fab@School! Monica shares how her students used FabMaker Studio to celebrate the olympics. 

Learning about the Olympic sports is always entertaining. However, the question becomes how can it become more engaging? Well why not have the students develop their own Olympic symbols or create an argument for why one of the Fab@School Studio Maker ready-made project would make a better option.

In my technology enrichment block I did just that with a group of third grade students. In their homeroom classes they study all about the Olympic games and the history of the Olympics. Then when they came to the computer lab the review several ready-made projects and choose one to be the next Olympic symbol.

Once they sent it to the cutter some decided to add more colors or features to meet their visions. The only requirement we game the students was they had to be able to explain how it represented the Olympics.

Overall the creative connections the students made were unbelievable! It is amazing how far students will go when given the opportunity to be creative. Thank you Fab@School Maker Studio!

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