Earth Day 2017: A Day for Awareness & Protection (...& Animation-ish Fun!)

Did you know that more than 100 billion pieces of junk mail are delivered and thrown away again in the United States each year? Saturday, April 22, is Earth Day, a time to recognize and protect the precious environment that is all around us.

The team at FableVision Learning - lovers of the environment - gathered some fun facts about the holiday, and ways to help preserve our Earth on April 22, and every day. And while you’re at it, you also can have your students visually represent Earth Day with Animation-ish - an easy-to-use animation software tool - to show what they know!

When Earth Day was started on April 22, 1970, the impact of the movement resulted in 20 million participants. This day is important to help raise awareness to show how much of an impact we really do have on the environment by every little move we make. Now 47 years later, the question is still: How can we start going more GREEN?

1. Recycle! Take the time to talk to your school's principals to discuss a recycling system in your school if you do not already have one. According to the Recycling Revolution site, recycling one piece of aluminum can save enough energy to watch 3 hours of television! Moreover, it will take less energy (90% less) to physically throw your aluminum in the recycling bin than to manufacture brand new ones. If we start recycling more paper like we should, we will begin to save one quarter of a billion trees each year.

2. Use less water! That five minute shower compared to a three minute shower makes all of the difference. You would not believe that the average person uses about 12,000 gallons of water each year! This Earth Day, let’s be aware of the water we are using so that we can save it in the long run.

Want to know how the water cycle actually works? Check out this sweet animation to the left made with Animation-ish!

3. Stop littering! Each year, 14,000,000,000 pounds of garbage are thrown into the oceans, according to National Geographic. Of this, the plastic kills at least 1 million animals/creatures each year who find their homes in the ocean. Let’s take the time to save our precious animals!

Let’s take a look how students around the world have used Animation-ish to show how they celebrate this special day...

Now you can really see how Animation-Ish is out of this world!

Did your students create "out of this world" Earth Day animations?! Share it with the FableVision Learning Team via Twitter @FableLearn, or via email:

Happy Earth Day 2017!