Dedham is home to one FAB Library!

Huddled around a computer, kids excitedly watched as their ideas became digital designs. On Friday, March 24, kids of all ages joined a Fab@School Maker Studio workshop a the Dedham Public Library and got hands-on with digital design and fabrication. From dog masks to personalized boxes, these children learned the design process in the library makerspace by means of 3D and 2D printing.


Dedham Library Innovation Team (DLIT), the award-winning library advocacy group dedicated to creating modern libraries in Dedham, MA, generously donated a Fab@School Maker license to the library. This donation allows residents to work with the digital fabrication program in the library’s makerspace, or check out the technology to use at home. FableVision Learning is happy to help with DLIT’s initiative to provide more people access to amazing, innovative technology and lessons that can be of use to children outside of the classroom. 

Friday was the introduction of this new product at the library, and the FableVision Learning team join the celebration by letting children try it out. During the workshop, kids of all ages, altered ready-made projects and tried their hand at fabricating their own. 

Fab@School Maker Studio particularly made an impression on one little girl, Eliza, who was eager to create her own ninja mask. But there wasn’t a pre-made mask! This didn’t stop Eliza; she went right over to the computers and started mapping out a new design - all on her own. And, not surprisingly, at the end of the workshop, she walked away with her mask. This story shows that this creative generation of kids don’t have to stick to the guidelines of already designed layouts - they can venture out and create their own unique designs as well. That is truly the beauty of Fab@School Maker Studio

Local? Try it out at the Dedham Public Library today. Want to bring Fab@School to your public library or makerspace? Send an email to the team at or give us a call 800-828-0017.