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Bookshop Authors Unite! Conversation with Peter H. Reynolds, Jeff Kinney, and Ann Patchett

A Conversation to Support the Book Industry Charitable Foundation (BINC) with Independent Bookstore Author/Owners Jeff Kinney  (An Unlikely Story), Ann Patchett (Parnassus Books), and Peter Reynolds (Blue Bunny Books). This virtual event will be held on Thursday, July 23, 2020 at 7 p.m.

What do bestselling authors Jeff Kinney, Ann Patchett and Peter H. Reynolds have in common? They all own their own independent bookstores!  As strong supporters of Indies, these authors not only talk the talk, they walk the walk. Join us for a virtual event with these three to support the work of Binc. Find out what led each of these authors to take a leap of faith and invest in their own bookstores. Learn about how the stores have changed their lives and work. And see how the challenges of the past few months have affected them and their businesses. Register now for this virtual event live on Crowdcast and join in this remarkable conversation. Click here to register.