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FACTE Session: Creativity to Careers - Middle School Animation CTE as a Model

Join FableVision Learning's Jane Reynolds and Dr. Denine Jimmerson at the Florida Association for Career and Technical Education on July 16-18, 2018, at the Champions Gate Resort.  

On Tuesday, July 17, they will hold a session titled: Creativity to Careers: Middle School Animation CTE as a Model.

The session will introduce school districts to our new model to which creates a continuum from middle school to high school and beyond, progressing from Animation-ish to Toon Boom software and gaining experience and certification on the journey.

While some schools are using animation in middle school for content and creativity, middle school teachers can be outside of their comfort zone in approaching CTE. We can provide unique scaffolding for both teachers and students with our Creativity to Careers program.

We have developed the fundamental elements to expand the uptake of animation as a bona fide CTE program in middle school. While teachers can continue to use our animation software as they do now, we will add the curriculum, training and professional development to link the program to a career path. Our own FableVision professional animation studio in Boston MA is our model for students, and they can have virtual access to the studio for tours and mentoring.  We have linked with Summit Global to provide the middle school certification.  We have applied for listing as on Florida Digital Tools.

The goal of our Creativity to Careers program is to ensure a good take up of animation CTE in high school by starting in middle school, giving students the opportunity to test out careers before committing to a 2 year program.   While learning animation, students will also be developing core work skills in communication and collaboration, as well as a host of inherent skills within an animation studio.