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ISTE: STEAM-Infused Curriculum: Where Inquiry Meets Design Thinking

Join FableVision Learning's Dr. Denine Jimmerson, Creative Curriculum & Evaluation Specialist, at ISTE 2017 in San Antonio for a poster session about STEAM-Infused Curriculum. During this poster session she will demonstrate a successfully implemented project-based curriculum embedding all of the elements of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math) plus some added inspiration. Students become world problem solvers, experiment with solutions while building solar vehicles, water pumps, and more. A unique story telling aspect is included.

  • When: Monday, June 26, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
  • Where: Tower View Lobby, Table 4
  • Conference: ISTE 2017 in San Antonio
  • More info can be found here