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Creative Educator Certification Program

This self-paced, comprehensive professional development program focuses on creativity in the classroom. Educators will explore the research on creativity in education and learn best practices for incorporating creative thinking into their curriculum and classroom climate.

Each of 12 units highlights a particular aspect of teaching and provides strategies and tools to apply in the classroom along with reflections and assignments to solidify the learning. Those who complete the program are certified as Creative Educators through The Creativity Circle and FableVision Learning. Teachers can expect to spend a year working through the program.


The North Star Classroom

The North Star Classroom is a guide to creating the kind of place where students explore their strengths, learn resilience, and discover their power to create.

Based on best-selling author Peter H. Reynolds’ book The North Star, the program includes best practices for establishing a positive, creative climate as well as activities and projects that help students develop their interests, strengths, values, and goals.

These activities can be adapted for student councils and other student organizations to build leadership skills and enhance the planning and implementation of school and community service projects.

Activities include teamwork challenges, problem solving projects, social-emotional games and experiences, literature exploration and discussions,  and personal reflection writing pieces


Start with a Story

Designed for all learning environments, the Start With A Story program ties the works of New York Times best-selling author/illustrator Peter H. Reynolds to hands-on and technology-based activities/projects. Each lesson pack focuses on one book and includes five lessons designed for students in grades k-5.

Lessons are typically 1-2 hours in length. We encourage instructors to start with a book reading and an SEL activity and/or the team-building activity before moving onto animation, engineering, and/or journaling. This program is perfect addition to school libraries.


Connect & Thrive: Story-Powered Circles

Connect & Thrive: Story-Powered Circles makes delivering critical components of human development easy, seamless and fun. This program offers a unique blend of the PEAR approach to student advisories and the globally-acclaimed storybooks by Peter H. Reynolds.

Peter’s books are paired with key student development areas, such as resilience, mental health, belonging, and youth voice, all of which play a critical role in overcoming, growing and thriving through adversity.