Students create with Fab@School Maker Studio.

Students create with Fab@School Maker Studio.

Equity of Access Sponsored by The Reynolds Center for Teaching, Learning, and Creativity

FableVision Learning is able to extend our STEM program to need-based and rural communities—such as the Berkshires in Massachusetts—with the help of the Reynolds Center, CISCO Foundation, and the Morgridge Family Foundation.  

The results of such programs can be powerful. Drawing from three school districts, the results of Harvard’s PEAR evaluation in schools showed that “96.9% of students reported positive gains in STEM interest” after using Fab@School Maker Studio

And, in further good news, we will be extending to New Hampshire and New York in 2019!

We look forward to reaching new populations of students, who will expand their creativity and STEM learning.

If you are interested in partnering with FableVision Learning to bring Fab@School Maker Studio and other STEAM/STEM programs to your school or classroom, please contact us!