Posts tagged 4Cs
Challenge Assumptions in the Classroom and Launch Creativity

Students in a high school history class have just completed their final projects and everyone sits down for presentations. About halfway through, just as everyone’s eyes are starting to droop, someone’s presentation blows everyone else’s out of the water - it’s creative; it’s funny; it’s enthralling. At the end, several students remark, “Well, I didn’t know we could do THAT!”

How to approach our teaching so that students WILL think above and beyond in terms of what is asked, and use their creativity!

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Embedding Creativity in the Classroom

Sometimes it seems like creativity and the work of school are separate matters, but did you know that students learn better when what they are learning is presented creatively? Did you know that they learn more deeply when they engage creative thinking? Did you know there is a research-based method for incorporating creative thinking skills into every classroom lesson?

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