FableVision Creative Educator Spotlight - Suzy Brooks

For this week's teacher spotlight, we salute Suzy Brooks who has twelve years of experience teaching 4th grade at Muleen-Hall School in Falmouth, MA.  She is a big supporter of FableVision Learning and uses three of our learning tools in her classroom: Stationery Studio, Big Screen Books, and Mapping the World by Heart.  When asked how these tools impact her classroom, Suzy replied:

"I use Stationery Studio every day as a tool for me as well as a tool for students. I share it with teachers in all of my professional development presentations, and I even have teachers ask about it when we are at the copy machine. The themes match what we are teaching in the classroom and breathe life into our finished products. The students love the artwork and have learned how to enhance their letters and reports through the use of student-created art and borders. I also love sharing the products we create as images on our classroom blog. 

Each year my students love making their mark on Dot Day. We use Big Screen Books to share The Dot as a class and talk about how we can each make a difference in the world. Students create their own dots to hang in the classroom for the whole year as a reminder of their power to help others."

Thanks Suzy for your creativity, hard work and determination!