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The School District of Palm Beach County is Celebrating Dot Day District-Wide!

International Dot Day participation has soared above 1,252,000 teachers and students as of today, September 14th. WOW! We are so thankful to all of the educators around the world joining us in celebrating creativity this year.

We were thrilled to find out that the School District of Palm Beach County is holding a district-wide celebration of Dot Day this year. The school district is the 11th largest in the continental U.S., with more than 176,700 students. John Long, Technology Program Specialist, organized this tremendous creative endeavor — and he was kind enough to send us this Dot Day flyer he shared with his creative technology staff and colleagues. The flyer features activity ideas, links to resources, tips for getting started, and more. It might give you some great ideas for how your district can celebrate next year!

The School District of Palm Beach County has several groups facilitating events from kindergarten all the way up through 12th grade. John is collecting photos, stories, and videos for their "dot"-cumentary (we can't wait to see it!). John even created a website for their district initiative.

We've already started receiving cool stories and videos from John, but the celebrations will continue on for some time. According to John, "We are stretching Dot Day from September 15th-ish to be more like Dot Week."

We are so inspired by John's district, and by all the other districts and schools who are making their mark this September. Please consider sharing your school or district's story in the comments below!